Sunday, August 18, 2013

180813:11.22AM: Akhirnya.....tercapai jua^^

Alhamdulillah..alhamdulillah..alhamdulillah..akhirnya ku beroleh kekuatan ini...Alhamdulillah^^. Setelah sekian lama berangan nak bukak kedai kek sendiri...akhirnya ku berjaya membuka langkah pertama ku melalui "online bakery".... "Najjah's House"...dah lama bermain dalam hati ni...akhirnya terluah
jua...alhamdulillah... moga beroleh keberkatan dan keredhaan-Nya..aamiin^^
Jutaan terima kasih buat keluarga ku yang tak pernah putus asa memberi kekuatan pada diri ini..sayang kamu semua kerana Allah^^  #Especially, Terima kasih ummi!! Love u n miss u always :'-)

fwd: Girls...are like apples..

--------are like apples------
-------on trees. The best ones-----
-----are at the top of the tree.-----
---Some boys don't want to reach---
--for the good ones because they--
-are afraid of falling and getting hurt.-
-Instead, they get the rotten apples-
from the ground that aren't as good,
but easy. So the apples up top think
something is wrong with them when in
-reality they're amazing. They just--
---have to wait for the right boy to
---- come along, the one who's-
----------- brave enough to-----
--------------- climb all---------
--------------- the way------
--------------to the top----
--------------of the tree ----